Categories: All, Design, Design Management, Meeting

When the Support Association for SVID had the annual general meeting it took place on SVT – Sveriges Television – the Swedish public service television company. I was there representing the Swedish Association of Designers. Besides the meeting we also got a presentation of the development and design process of the award winning web broadcasting service SVT Play.

Lisa Lindström, CEO from Doberman – the agency who has been involved in creating SVT Play – learned us more about digital service design and the work behind the scenes. Stefan Kervefors, production manager for SVT Play showed us the historic perspective and told us the story from the process. Also participating from SVT Erik Hedin, Peter Wissmar and Mats Liljengren.

Service Design is an interesting subject indeed - and it is very instructive to see how it can be implemented. Also it is thought-provoking how many services easily could be enhanced by putting in some knowledge about design and human centered interaction. SVT Play is a very good example of Service Design, proved by winning the award Design S last year, but there are also a lot of areas unexplored – not only connected to web and interaction design, but also to product design and all of the other everyday experiences we meet.





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