It’s summer in Sweden which means holidays. In Sweden most people take five weeks off, spending their time together with friends and families, doing a holiday trip by boat or with the caravan. Tourists are coming in droves, both swedes and from abroad. This is for sure the most important time at the year for the tourism business.
Observing this carousel spinning is interesting and fascinating, all the commerce, big sales, drinks, foods, campers, festivals, partying. It’s a nice time of the year! But it’s also a bit thought-provoking. What happens?! What’s making all this people gathering at the same spot at the same time? Where does everybody come from?! And the biggest question of them all; what is it about this casual holiday “fashion”, “Foppa”-slippers, tube socks and shorts?
Tourism, experience industry and community design, I have done a lot of work within these areas, it’s very interesting. How can design contribute in developing cities, communities and places to visit, to be more accessible and also sustainable? Here are some links with useful information and statistics; Drivkrafter för nya näringar, Upplevelseindustrin, Kommundesign, The Tourist Year in Sweden 2008
My perfect holiday is inspiring – relaxing, quiet and easy – close to the sea to cool off, and to the beer when I get thirsty. That’s where I am at this very moment. And the work? Just couldn’t stay away from it, so I brought it! So, when the ideas are coming to you while resting in the hammock or on the beach, feel free to contact me…
Enjoy the summer! /Daniel